Inspired Villages at Comberton

Changes following feedback

Over the past year we have engaged with the local community to shape our design proposals and deliver a development that will benefit Comberton:

We held meetings with local groups to gather direct feedback
Over 6,000 flyers delivered to the local community 
We held a two public exhibitions on the plans 
We held two webinar presentations
This consultation website was kept up to date with our plans
We provided surveys for people to give their feedback

Here is the how the scheme has evolved following feedback

You Said
We Did
How will you maximise biodiversity?
The Site access and spine road has been moved west to create a single large area for Biodiversity Net Gain, with the areas for solar generation and orchards/allotments also contributing to maximising these opportunities.
We want to retain the rural character of the site and for the Integrated Retirement Community to reflect the character of the Village.
The Northern most site area remains rural in character bounded by hedgerows and woodland, to act as a transition to the wider countryside. The area of built development has also been consolidated, introducing an area of orchards and allotments to reflect those existing immediately to the east.
We are worried that you will develop further parts of the site at a later date
The whole site is included within the planning application with no land kept in reserve.
This is a greenbelt site, can you do more on sustainability?
The Integrated Retirement Community will be Net-Zero Carbon in Operation, achieved through high quality construction as well as the on-site solar generation.
We are worried the new development will affect views for existing village residents
We have reorientated the buildings along the eastern boundary to create more views into/ through the development.
The new ‘village centre’ should be accessible for the existing community
The Integrated Retirement Community, specifically the Clubhouse, will be fully open to existing residents, with the existing permissive footpaths being maintained as well.

The Masterplan