Inspired Villages at Comberton

A new Integrated Retirement Community in Comberton

Welcome to our Consultation website on Inspired Villages’ and Endurance Estates’ plans to create an Integrated Retirement Community in Comberton

An Integrated Retirement Community is for over 65's who meet a minimum care requirement but are active enough to live independently in their own homes, with access to extensive on-site facilities to meet most of their day-to-day needs.

We carried out two public consultations, in June and October 2022, and are now taking on board your feedback on our detailed plans ahead of submitting a planning application.

You can find details of our public consultations, alongside the exhibition boards from the in-person events and webinar recordings, at the Have Your Say button below.

The detailed plans are now available here on our website. You can view them by clicking the Proposals button below.

We have also now submitted a planning application to South Cambridgeshire District Council. You can view this on the Council’s planning portal by searching the reference number: 23/01448/OUT.

Our vision for an Integrated Retirement Community in Comberton aims to follow an approach that can deliver:

A Vibrant and Inclusive Community

High-Quality Homes

Sustainability at its core

Green spaces and other landscaping

A welcoming Village square

A range of facilities for all

Have Your Say


Monday 17th October, 16:00–20:00

Comberton Baptist Church and Centre, Green End, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DY


Wednesday 19th October, 18:00-19:00


Our survey has now closed. If you still wish to provide your feedback, please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.